What does this mean?

hmm, I dont know, I always found physics considerably easier than chemistry, I'm guessing whoever made that statement was, like all physicists, jealous of the attention paid to Chemists and Biologists.
Psychology is really biology, biology is really chemistry, chemistry is really physics, physics is really mathematics.

It's all just mathemetics.
Actually, archeaologists and field biologists tend to get the attention through the fact that they are not ordinary science nerds, but action nerds.

Its amazing what a tan will do for a scientist.
The quote sounds like something said by a physicist, praising what he loves and describing its superiority to other disciplines.

As a Research Chemist, I would have to agree with you.
Everything is mathematics it is the only universal language. Pi is 3.1428 no matter what language you write it in.
Physics is the application of mathematics to describe the universe.
Chemistry is the application of physics to describe the physical world.
Biology is the application of chemistry to describe the living world.

The Bear.

Math has different rules depending on what you're on.
Negative numbers didn't have a square root until someone invented them to deal with the problem of negative numbers not having square roots. People have come up with some weird math concepts.

Chemistry, Biology and Physics overlap. It's much easier to see with chemistry and physics than with biology. That's why they have chemical physics and physical chemistry and biophysics and biochemistry.