What does this dream mean..?


New member
Dec 14, 2009
Last night I had a dream that a underground train had crashed for no reason and killed everyone aboard, passers just stood around the wreak and stared..

does this dream mean anything?
It could mean you are afraid something horrible will happen in your life. And that you don't know why it will happen, and that you will you will be able to do nothing about it.
You Feel Like No One Cares For You Your Life Is A Train Wreck & You Feel Helpless. I Know Because Ive Had A Similar Dream
My opinion.....
"To see or dream that you are in a train wreck, suggests chaos. The path to goals are not going according to the way you planned it out. Or you may be lacking self-confidence and having doubt in your ability to reach your goals."
First of all no you cant see the future.
Have you been thinking about trains, crashes, or anything related to the Dream recently? If you have then your dreams are normaly based arround what you have been thinking about, or happened recently.