What does it cost you to rent or buy a dvd?


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Wierd question, I know, but curious!

I live in Zimbabwe, and it costs us ZAR30 (US$4) to buy a contract for 10 DVD's to keep for 2 nights each. To buy a dvd costs us R25 (US$3.20).

I used to live in South Africa and we used to pay the same to rent as it costs to buy here, so just curious what it costs everywhere else!

Thanks for your answers!
Ok, so cost of 1 dvd here to keep for 2 nights is 40 US cents, just to be clear. So cheaper than what I'm hearing so far, which is what I thought, but just wondered!

@ Thomas - I can believe your friend! We are buying dvd's here and then seeing the adverts for their release in a week's time! (release in South Africa, not here, unfortunately the cinemas here are a bit behind!)
Here in the US it varies.
On the day a movie is released to DVD it can sell for around $15-$20 (average)
If you rent it, you have two options:
Vending machine, which is $1 per day.
Box Store, $4 for a four day rental.

My friend in China claims to be able to buy the movie as soon as it appears in theaters for ten cents.
Hmmmm i usually Rent a Movie For like 1.50 $$$ For One day

But as For the Buying i usually Buy Movies For like 35 $$$

But i usually Use E-bay Which Sometimes More Less,it's Also Depends On If the Movie was New or Old