What does a nuerologist do as far as treating and diagnosing autonomic nueropathy?


New member
Apr 11, 2008
im a 21yr old female, I'm seeing a nuerologist in May and I'm just wondering what to expect him to do, also he does specialize in autonomic disorders in case you wanted to know
I've seen a cardiologist twice now and had autonomic testing done which included sweat testing and a tilt table test, both of which were abnormal, so that is leading the cardiologist to believe that it is autonomic neuropathy caused by diabetes, I've only known that Ive had diabetes for not even a year but the cardiologist said im must have had it much longer just left untreated, i have alot of headaches and at times severe pain in my legs and a constant fast heart rate and frequent blood pressure fluctuations which i was told by the cardiologist are symptoms of autonomic neuropathy, ty all for any possible advice:)