What do you think would be most interesting? College Classes?


May 31, 2008
I need to pick one out of the 3 for a humanities class, though, I am not into history. So, today I am asking, what one of these do you think would be most interesting?
1. Humanities Survey; Ancient through Byzantine Cultures
2. Humanities Survey; Byzantine through Enlightenment
3. Humanities Survey; Enlightenment through 21st century

Can someone summarize what these would study?

I need to pick one out of the 3 for a humanities class, though, I am not into history. So, today I am asking, what one of these do you think would be most interesting?
1. Humanities Survey; Ancient through Byzantine Cultures
2. Humanities Survey; Byzantine through Enlightenment
3. Humanities Survey; Enlightenment through 21st century

Can someone summarize what these would study?

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I am sorry, that has interfered... I understand this question. Let's discuss. Write here or in PM.