What do you think of those people...

i saw some pictures of a chick who had skin taken from her stomach area and crafted into a penis for her. it was fucking nasty. it didn't have a head and had hair growing all up the shaft. she (or he?) also got this sick ass infection on the area right above the penis and along the shaft. i'd still hit it though.
I dont care if they commited a crime.
Its discusting and wrong.
People that belive in god im sure are against it (im not religious) but people that belive in evolution (me me me) should be against it too because it goes against it.
You were born a damn man... be a man.

These people are just sick in the head and will most likely commit some type of sex crime in the future.

Plus it causes confusion in an already messed up world.

Crap like this is why if I had a good amount of money and had kids I would raise them in a nice middle eastern city... beruit.. amman.. or dubai if I could. Because even tho there is a small percentage of weird crap every where in the world atlease they dont turn their heads to the obvious like America does.

Im not for gays either.
You're ignorant.

I'm not opposed to these operations, I don't think anyone has a right to tell someone what to do or not do to their own body... I just don't think it's healthy for someone's emotional state. To me it's similar to using drugs as an escape (which I did, for a long time). People need to learn to be comfortable with who they are.
I never used drugs as an escape but I did have my party years when I was a teen and did alot of stupid things but I never got loaded by myself.

Sex changes are wrong. Gays are wrong.

If it was up to me sex offenders, pedophiles, cop killers, rapist and serial killers would be put to death with in 48 hours of conviction.
Even if the court screwed up and sent an innocent man to his death atlease the ball is still rolling on getting rid of the others that dont deserve life.
But im sure you are one of thoese guys who thinks a pedophile can go to a "program" and talk to some one and change.
Times like this make me wish I could just push an ignore button on your post, but noooooo I have to copy and paste you name and go alllll the way to user cp.
um that's not weird at all:ugh:

edit: where the hell did the lightbulb come from???
If you're this closed-minded, you should move to a communist country. I think you'd be much happier there, because it is up to people like you.

There is no rationale in your post. You have to consider the other sides. Do you know how much it costs the taxpayers to give a lethal injection? What about people who are falsely convicted? A lot of times we find out that people who are in jail didn't commit the crime they were sentenced for even years later. What if someone had a such a strong grudge against someone, they wanted to create all the evidence and set up that person for rape? This happens a LOT.

I'll give an example relative to the announcement that was made on PBN about posting porn. If you are convicted of exposing a minor to pornographic material, you will most likely have to register as a sex offender. Now picture this situation. Two high school kids that have been friends their whole lives. One is a junior, and is still 16. The other is a senior and has already turned 18. For the younger one's 17th birthday, the senior buys him a porn dvd. He is, by definition, a sex offender. You think he should be sentenced to death? I really hope not.

As for cop killers, what if the cop is corrupt? What if the cop was on duty and robbing someone at gunpoint? Again, this happens. You don't have to pass some undeceivable test of honesty and character to become a cop.

Do I think a pedophile who has raped a child can go to a rehabilitative program and change? In some cases, they can. In many, they can not. No matter how much they change, I do think they should still have to serve their time.

Maybe the death penalty would be more reasonable for a second or third offense in cases like rapists. For serial killers, yes, I think in most cases death should be the punishment. But there are exceptions to everything. I disagree strongly with your moral views on homosexuality and the like, and that's fine. I can still respect that you have your own opinions on that. But your opinions on sentencing criminals just don't make sense, and you need to look at the bigger picture.