What do you think of religious fantasy?


New member
Oct 16, 2008
I've always loved reading Narnia, Lord of the Rings and even Mists of Avalon. I love the religious allegories mixed with mythology and fairy tale magic, in fact those stories are what inspiring me to write my own religious fantasy;

It takes place in another world with mythical creatures and gods like Diana, Jove, Hercules and the Dragon King, but their leader is a great giant dove-king King named Amnos, who can shape-shift into a tawny lion, a black bull and a brown eagle. and in this world comes 13 humans (children and adults) who save the other world from tyrants, monsters, wicked gods and magicians.

Amnos does sacrifice himself, as a black lamb, and during his death, winter comes for three months, but when spring arrives, he is resurrected.

What would think of it? just out of curiosity. and also I don't want to make sound preachy or narrow. I just want to write a good epic tale.
I think it sounds like a great idea! I'm also a big fan of Narnia (I haven't had the chance to read Lord of the Rings yet). I think as long as you have a great story line with great characters then your story will be awesome! GOOD LUCK!!!

Please help me with my question:
They're pretty good, but sometimes they just don't pop out to me as realistic enough...