What do you think of Allah's ?????? ? ?????? beautiful religion for mankind, i.e

I'm certain that many men love the Muslim teaching that if they murder infidels they will go to heaven and be able to have sex with 70 virgins.:geek:
Islam is foreign and NOT of my ancestors.

It is illogical, universalist and monotheistic.

I believe in freedom: Freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I have respect for individual Muslims and as long as they dont interfere with my life or threaten my family, my folk or my nation, I do not care about the religion. If they threaten my freedom, then THEY will have a major problem.

We Asatruar are NOT pacifists; we are fighters. I am descended from warriors. Keep your religion to yourselves and quit killing and abusing people because they are different.

This is 2013, not 1313; we are human beings, act like it!
I think it makes just as much sense and has just as much evidence to support it as everyone elses beautiful religion. None.
Islam will be reason behind World war 3 and 4

Islams are so obsessed with their religion, that they forget about other religion followers are humans too and should not be hurt.