What do you think Mexico expected to ban U.S. truck drivers?


Beach Girl

Retaliation is expected by the Mexican government in response to a decision this week by the U.S. Congress to stop the cross-border trucking pilot program for long-haul Mexican transport companies.A provision included in the all-inclusive omnibus spending bill passed Wednesday cuts funding for the pilot program that began in September. It was an attempt to test a stipulation that is required by the North American Free Trade Agreement that has not yet been implemented.

The year-long program planned to allow up to 100 Mexican trucking companies to travel throughout the United States instead of being limited to the 20- to 25-mile border commercial zones. The same number of U.S. trucking companies are allowed, for the first time, to make deliveries throughout Mexico. http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=19135758&BRD=2290&PAG=461&dept_id=569392&rfi=6

"I think we've done ourselves some harm," Cornyn said. "If it's a treaty obligation with the United States, it's the law."
But you should know, Cornyn, that NAFTA is NOT a treaty. It was never ratified as a treaty. It is a LAW. And because it's a LAW, and NOT a TREATY, it can be changed quite easily, IF the traitors in congress and senate only had America's interests at heart, rather than your own lined pockets.

I see any disagreement with Mexico at this time as very, very good.