What do you think happens when you die?


New member
Feb 26, 2008
Personally, I believe in an after life. One is where you die and live in your dreams or fantasy(my favorite opinion), or you live in another life on earth or in the universe. I think that there are other dimentions with life; reality(our world), and others. Nobody can proove that there is only a reality. Nobody can proove that there is other dimentions or a fantasy world. Nobody can proove that there is a heaven or hell. So anything in the universe can be possible in my opinion. What are your thoughts on this topic.
It is the true unknown. All we can do is to live today, right now, because tomorrow is not promised. Take this from a guy working Forensics, I see people that are just working, and enjoying life, going through the same problems...then they are dead.

Live, because that is what we are suppose to, Live a good life to those who you are around, have fun, and help others enjoy their life....(add value to their life), take nothing without giving, and give in annoymously.

I love that song, "Live life like your dieing" From Tim McGray.
I'd like to think we are reborn, of maybe even go to a world of spirits...like a heaven. But then something tells me we just go to sleep, lights out, and never wake up again.
i believe that life on earth is h*** and it is our trial. after all the hardships one endors throught out his/her life time there has to be a better place
id like to think thats true. I really hope it is.

But sadly i think we just go to sleep and we never wake up.
hey man, im always ready to give love to anyone in need! im just running a little low at the moment, the hate in the world is draining me
Join the darkside bro, the hate energises me and allows me to crush the weak and puny pathetic people!!!!
now i get " all the love" stuff. wacky tabacoo ehh? H + wt= decrease in brain cells
That's what I was saying on the love thread, he's a smoker, he's a toker, he's a midnight joker
no just joking. Never smoked any crap in my life. I dont need that shizz to enjoy myself
it's ok H drugs don't kill it's stupid people who use drugs that kill people