What do you think about this Gun?

.22 isn't going to do shit in emergency usage, except piss someone off, unless you can hit em right in the head (which, in a moment of panic, be better be a good damn shot).

For range shooting, yea, it's ok I guess. Whatever floats your boat. Protection wise, I wouldn't count on it saving my life 10 out of 10 times.
the OSST thread is the same thing as ST, but with people who have been here for a year or more...:rolleyes:

misinformation being spewed everywhere. If not misinformation, the age old retarded argument of M16/M4 VS. Ak47
Still, it's better than asking a bunch of 9 year olds who are simply going to tell him that he's a faggot and that the only reason he should buy it is to kill himself with it.
It looks like a walther p22, what else should I think of it?

It's nothing more than a plinking gun though, so if you want to spend $300 on that, go for it. I am pretty sure a couple of guys in the OSST: Firearms thread have owned them and said they were decent guns.
You don't need to blow a guy's leg off to put him in extreme pain. No would-be robber is going to hang around/try to fight it out if he's shot anywhere by a .22 or above, unless he had the previous intent of murdering/raping the person, in which case he's likely armed and will have the drop on you either way.
a gun is better than no gun in the situation, the perp isn't gonna be like oh its ok junebug, this nigga just got a .22

but, if he charges you need something that will drop him.

I suggest a flying ashtray out of a .45
Yea. I mean i could get the 9 mm version if you think its significantly better though. it is a lot more $$$$ though...

What would be a good cheap gun you reccommend if not this?
I happen to own that handgun. Lots of fun to shoot. Nice and small so its easy to conceal, and it feels comfortable in your hand. You can also get lasers and tactical lights for it easily. Plus it cheap to shoot