What do you think about the idea to ban cigarette vending machines in the UK?


New member
Apr 8, 2009

I think its going too far, these machines are mostly in bars and pubs (a place where over 18's go, and people who have already made a choice to smoke or not). The cigarettes are way over priced anyway in those machines and sometimes contain only 16-18 cigarettes. But sometimes its better than walking to the shops to get some if your out with your friends having a few drinks in the pub.

If people wanna smoke they should be able to smoke, the government need to get onto other issues instead of taking away peoples rights.
taking the vending machines out might be a bit too far cus if the pubs want more custom theyre goin to get more if they keep them in if they keep the vending machines in cus i known in the past that my mates have buggered off elsewhere when they cudnt get any cigarettes from the machine and thought bugger it im goin to another pub saves goin back in

but im not in a position to comment further due to me never smoked i wudnt know what a smoker wud say
people have a choice weather to remove them or not, but in my opinion i think they should be token out because then they have to walk to drive to the store which would in turn stop so much smoking. i hate it it is so disgustng i dont know how they do it(nicitine i know) but you get the point
iv never smoked and think all the bans smokers have to put up with is awful, but, i think we have a bigger problem with teens drinking, why dont the government put their energies into stopping kids getting drunk and fighting etc,