What do you feel like venting today? Open Ended Question/Answer.?


New member
Jul 30, 2009
Here I go again. I think this may be something I do regularly. Sometimes I just feel like venting so if you want to do the same thing, here's your chance. If you want to respond to mine, also, feel free but you really don't have to. Everyone will get thumbs up from me.

OK, about a year later (from the last "vent"), I have another boyfriend. I met him at work and I like him a lot and vice versa. We work at a fairly new resturant in the Houston area. For being open about a year and 4 months, business is doing great, meaning we're always busy. This is my part time job. I have a full time job during the day. I'm always working. He's always working. Here's the problem. We've been dating almost 6 months and I haven't seen him outside of work (but one time) since June 8. Before that, it was like before I went to NYC (May 19). What is wrong?! I don't know what to do. He says that he's going crazy in this town because he hasn't left in a year and he's always working. Well, I'm trying to plan a road trip to see Wanda Jackson (his favorite lady--which he would LOVE) just to take him away from all that so he can relax, but I can't even get him to answer my phone calls or texts. It's just really frustrating me to no end. I don't know what I'm doing wrong...I don't know how to make it right...and I talked to my sister last night about it and she said that I'm an easy girlfriend (as in very easy to please) and she says that's not a bad thing but he probably thinks that he doesn't have to do too much to make me happy. I'm still trying to grasp what that means. Should I be more rude to him? Should I expect more attention?

That's not the only thing...my little sister has recently been diagnosed with depression and it's just really mind boggling. With that, my uncle is in prison and I just started writing him letters...I haven't seen him in over 10 years but it just feels like the right thing to do...he's one of the only people that I can talk to about my Dad (deceased) to help me remember him more. Then, this girl I knew of (not personally), I used to see her all the time at local venues for music and the only encounter I had with her was a negative one (we almost went at it), just passed away and I just feel horrible because I never had the chance to get to know her on a positive level. It's really been messing with me, bad. Then, with all that going on, I think I'm losing my best friends. They're just getting into different things that I am in and it's hard to vent to anyone because my friends don't live near me, my boyfriend is always working and I'm too busy at work for a social life. I just really feel like going in a hole and just sitting in there.

That felt kinda good. But some things are still bugging me. Especially about Edward* (boyfriend).

*names have been changed. Ha.