what do you consider a productive summer vacation day for a teen?


Mar 12, 2008
Well, doing chores around the house is productive and helpful. Reading books is very productive and stimulates the mind. You could do history in the area you live in. Like-take some hikes around the area and do research. You could pick up a new craft, or learn to cook. Make some meals. Also, it's good to help serve others. You could go serve food, or look for elderly who may need help around the house or some company. I sometimes go help an old lady near me clean her house as a volunteer. Sorry this isn't much of a 'routine' but just some ideas to think about.
im 14 yrs old and im headin into high school but the big thing is that i only got 3 wks left of summer vacation and i wanna make it productive... so what r some things i can do to make myself have a productive 3 weeks...(a routine)(whats a good routine?)
You want to be productive on your vacation? Why not just relax and vacation? School is starting in 3 weeks and then you need to be productive. Right now is a time to rest from productivity. Stop making summer vacation look bad.
First of all steady your sleeping habits and get a good nights rest.

Excercise in the morning. Try to get ahead on some classes for the rest of the morning (if you think you need to for perhaps some honors classes) if not than clean your room or vacuum (will make rents happy).

Early afternoon you can pick up a quick hobby like reading a novel, writing, scrapbooking...etc. Hang out with some friends either late afternoon or after dinner. I like to play a sport or just chill at someone's house. Dedicate the "unproductive" parts of the day to do your own thing (email, walk the dog...).
go for a run
ummm hangout
dont watch tv or lay and do nothing all day
find a hobby
try something new
go to town
etc etc
highschool sucks especially if u r a freshmen
do watever makes u happy
-exercise(walk/run, lift, and whatever else you feel like)
-smoke weed
-don't eat junk food
-read some stuff(internet, books, whatever)
-maybe exercise again
-talk to or chill with friends
-walk to the closest store, even if you don't need to buy anything. Just buy a bottle of water or a snack or something
-find a hobby
-try making money (f)or something

I'm 14 too, so you can be sure all of this will work for you. It makes for a relaxing, peaceful day, while still be productive and enjoyable.