What do I do from this drama filled mess?


May 14, 2008
Okay so I had this girl who I considered my BFF but then she left me at night at our school in the dark and cold. Thank god my teacher was there but I don't consider her my BFF. Anyways she use to not want to talk to me some days other days she was mad. It was something different everyday. Anyways I met this girl who I considered true friend. This girl joked about committing suicide so I took a step and tried talking to her but she refused to answer my texts and I could never talk to her alone. She bashed her parents and was always so mad so I told my teacher. Now I wouldn't have known about this unless my true friend told me about her joking about it. Anyways my true friend ex BFF and the girl who joked about suicide played a mean valentines joke on me. I told them how I felt about it an my true friend was like oh that was nothing your a baby. Blah blah blah. Anyways she went and told my ex BFF what I said about her. Which I said nothing but the truth an I had to stick up for myself. Well that girl isn't my true friend anymore. But I trusted her and all because she was mad at me she did that. Honestly my ex BFF treate me like crap. All I said to my true friend was the truth about how that girl made me feel and the stuff I have dealt with in the past with her warning her. My ex true friend was like you Gould have talked to the girl who joked. She didn't mean it, but she said I did the right thing by telling the teacher before mhhm. Anyways I don't wan to eat lunch with these girls. They make me sick to think I trusted them. How stupid of me. What do I do?? Should I skip lunch? Do you think the girls will stop hanging up on me? Will they forget it? Why did this happen to me