What do Christians and Atheists have in common?


New member
Feb 27, 2013
They both suffer from a mental disorder.

Christians, Schizophrenia
Atheists, narcissistic personality disorder.
Not sure if you really understand narcissistic personality disorder.

Atheists, at least, don't think the all-powerful all-knowing creator of the entire universe loves them personally, wants a relationship with them, had his son die for them, takes an interest in whats happening in their lives and wants to spend eternity with them.

Seems to me like Christianity has more traits of NPD than atheism.
There are a lot of gods that neither of us believe in.

I don't consider my narcissism to be a disorder, thank you very much. :)
No mate, they usually have brain cells in common. Christians along with Muslims and other religious people normally have one brain cell.Atheists normally have loads and loads of them.
were all humans some misguide others not. Simple as that my friend thanks for the question.
They are both created by the same God, they just choose not to believe it!
I am not narcissistic , anyone who knows me will back that. i have an analytical mind. and as you may or may not be aware anyone with an analytical mind just by nature , generally will not just blindly believe. and i think most not all, religious people either are brainwashed or the thought of damnation installs fear in them (irrational belief). most people need to feel their life has some purpose or meaning even if they are only aware of this at an unconscious level. and religion fills this need beautifully even if it is full of imaginary beings. i am an atheist based on analytical science not on some unfounded irrational fear or belief in a "super being" (god) and what he/she may or may not think of me or what punishment he/she may or may not hand out. Fear is a very powerful thing and indeed so is the concept of having a need for purpose in life .... the control part is the medium used to fill this psychological void. honestly look at religion without fear , without irrational belief , the conclusion you will come to is control. or/and this psychological void which needs filling.
what we have in common is monkies are our cousins so all humans are brothers and sisters in a sense. We're all family