What computer gizmo would I need?


Dec 22, 2008
If you have the video on your computer copy it to a DVD/CD and mail it to your friend. You can buy an external cd/dvd burner and then copy to DVD disc., try Fry's Electronics at: www.frys.com
What electronic computer usb equipment would I need to transfer a 20 minute wedding video taken by digital camera? I dont have a burner, and I want to transfer the file to someone who does....I tried to e-mail the file thru yahoo and it is way too big. They dont want it to be on youtube so, I figured some kind of portable reader, but how many gig?
Well you would need a Flash Drive (AKA thumb drive, or zip drive). 1 Gb should be plenty, but it depends on Resolution of video, and what format, and a few other factors... I know a whole move in 320x320 is under 700MB, so 1 GB should be plenty! Those are also cheap, I know I've seen them $10-15, some of them free-$5 on sale!! You could also use memory cards (memory Stick, SD, etc), but you would need a card reader... those are also $10-20, plus the card would be like another $10.