What Comes First for our Children, Sports or Education? - Dec 16,2012


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Mar 4, 2009
So many of our children are born to young parents, and one of the most popular gifts we have waiting for them is the empty promise to become a professional athlete. Listen guys, between professional baseball, football, and basketball, there are about 3200 professional athletes, out of 300 million Americans. Do the math on the odds of your children becoming professional athletes. I am not saying that becoming a professional athlete cant happen, but I am saying play toward the odds, and put your money where it has the best chance to pay off, education. There are many fields in which children can be exposed to improve there chances at success. For example; There are many types of engineering programs, many different avenues to take in the medical field, all types of law, dont get me started on business, accounting, marketing, advertising, sales (not Amway or multi-level marketing, or pyramids), all types of trades (plummbing, truck driving), this list can go on forever. I will discuss how to get children involved in realistic professions, and if the sports thing happens for your child, then by all means take advantage. My point is, dont let the sports route be your primary route to success, let it be your back up, if that.. Black sports | Black athletes | Black education | Children and sports | Child athletes
