What circumcision cut style do i have? Is it a 'tight' or 'loose' cut?


Jun 8, 2008
I got circumcised 5 days ago due to medical reasons (phimosis). I only found out today that there are various different cut styles of circumcision. The urologist did not mention any cut styles but did explain how he would cut the foreskin.

The skin on the shaft of my penis starts about a centimeter behind the end of the head of the penis. He basically cut at the juncture where the foreskin is attached to the shaft. So effectively all the foreskin that i could roll back before is gone, none is left. My frenulum was not removed.

Can anyone infer from this description what cut style i have and whether it's 'loose' or 'tight'?


P.S. Please don't write about how you disagree with circumcision. It's not something i wanted to have done but my foreskin was so tight and would not come back AT ALL when erect.

I either had to wait until the foreskin tore during intercourse or get it removed. My dad had the same problem and his tore during intercourse leaving him with a bent penis due to the way the penis healed (scar tissue). I did not want this to happen obviously. Also i could feel barely anything during intercourse so even if circumcision really does reduce sensitivity, I'm sure i will still feel more than i did previously as my phimosis was effectively like having a ruber glove covering my head which received barely any stimulation at all as it was never able to become exposed.

I hope you see my reasoning.

Site explaining the various cut styles.
Barcode, i thought i would ask here first. Like i said, i only just became aware of different cut types and where i live it's night time.

Spoon_man, are you joking or being serious? I can't possibly imagine that you can only receive pleasure through your frenulum... like i said, intercourse before was horrible so i consider that circumcision can only improve my sensitivity.