What cigarette/tobacco do you smoke?

What's your favourite brand? I smoke dunhill chilled
If I had ask "what burger do you eat" or "what tanning oil do you use" No one would have mentioned obesity or skin cancer. Bonus question - Why are there so many militant non smokers and why are they so sanctimonious
I smoke a pipe with good aromatic pipe tobacco. And the occasional premium handrolled cigar.
I don't smoke. I lost many relatives to emphaseema and other lung related cancers, so I feel no urge or need to smoke.
I do not smoke anymore, but I used to smoke Marlboro cigarettes. Sometimes I would smoke a menthol if a friend offered it to me, but I never bought any for myself.
I don't smoke and never will. Smoking is poisoning yourself. It's like you commit suicide every time you take out a new cigarette stick.
cheap riverside lights..
i like marlboro lights when i can afford them