What changes would you make to judging MMA?


May 14, 2008
I would reduce the points people get for takedowns and advancing position. Just because a guy can sweep your legs and go from full to side guard, doesnt mean he shoudl win the fight when he does not damage. Also, i would implement the half point system. So a guy who barely wins 2 rounds, then gets dominated in the final doesnt get the win., or at least the draw (if final is 10-8)
I would add "Visual Damage".

In my 6th fight I literally had my opp GUSHING blood from his nose, and left cheek and eye. I clearly outstruck him (never went to ground). However in the 3rd I did start to gas a bit, but was still landing nice shots. BUT IT WENT TO HIM SPLIT AS THEY SAID HE WAS MORE TECHNICAL...


Anyway.... I agree with Frank. Peoples sucked as a judge. I also think Yves sucks as a ref..
Take a book from japanese judging where the fight is scored on a whole and not an a 10 point round.

More points for being active on the bottom of guard. Less points for taking a guy down and just letting him back up or not being able to secure a top position.

Less points for whatever the dancing that Edgar did against Penn.

More points for solid submission attempts

Get rid of the if your on top of guard you are winning the fight regardless of striking or submissions attempts mentality.