What causes premonitions/knowing what will happen?


May 11, 2008
Ok, so lately (past few weeks) I get these strong feelings, all of a sudden out of nowhere, that things are going to happen. They are never very big "events", or important, but they happen all the same. For example, I have a cousin that I haven't talked to in several years. And yesterday afternoon, out of nowhere while doing some homework, I knew he would contact me. I dismissed it at the time, just thinking it was some random thought, but that night, I got an email from him.

There are other things as well, just small random things. What causes this? I mean, they're things that I really shouldn't know (not related to deja vu or anything), but at the same time they aren't important either. I have been trying to exercise my mind more, just to be smarter and more intelligent. Does this have anything to do with it? Any opinions or advice? Thanks
There is a theory in quantum physics that states that time is not linear and that events in the future can send "ripples" backward in the timeline and effect past events. It is apparent that some people have the ability to sense these "ripples" to some extent. Thus leading to a sense of dread before a bad event. A good example is how several people refused to board the Titanic when it was docked in Europe, a few days before it sank.
I get the same thing you do and even visions. I believe it is a gift from god and Jesus Christ.