What car should I get? It has to be a VW.?


New member
Jun 5, 2008
My 1997 Cabrio that I LOVED went to Volkswagen heaven a few days ago and I'm deciding what car I should buy now. Preferably, I'd like to get a newer Cabrio (at least a 2000, and yes, I know they stopped making them) with low miles but I also like Beetles, though not as much as my Cabrio.
Whatever it is, it must be a VW in the 2000-2004 range and it must be a standard.

My favorites are
1. Cabrio!!!!
2. Beetle (but NOT the convertible. My mom owns own. The blind spots are HORRIBLE)
3. Jetta

What are the pros and cons of each? Even though I live in Northern New England, I don't worry about winter driving w/ a convertible. (I actually take care of it...)
-They don't sell Bora's here, but they sell Passats.

-I've driven both hardtop and convertible Beetles and I never had any trouble with blindspots in the hardtop. The convertible's blind spots, though it is a nice car, scared me out of my freaking mind. Don't ever take it on the highway... you'll need a co-pilot who can stick their head up and tell you when to switch lanes...