What can we do about rising gas prices? Is there a way to protest?


Mar 21, 2008
I can ride a bike and walk but there are some places you just can't walk to. What do you do? What can we do?
despite what people think, USA has cheep gas compared to the world... even tho its outrageous (expected to hit 7 USD's this summer). If you live in town and do not have kids, consider buying an electric assisted bike. ( http://www.thegostore.com/cosoxbelmo.html ) there; cheep to buy, street legal, can be driven on the side walk, do not require a license, and you don't have to pay any taxes on them.
if you have a family and kids and live in the city. consider buying a electric converted Geo metro.( http://e-volks.com/index.html ) They cost as much as the average used car. They cost less to operate ( less then .06 USD a mile) and are perfect for in city driving

if you travel more then 70 miles a day.....
you should buy a fuel efficient car.. like a Honda that gets 70 mpg
we can use our cars less and walk more so its more healthy, unless it is a far destination