What can I do to operate a Goodmans VN9600B VCR without a remote ?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
You see, in a fit of rage I threw it out of my window once and it smashed in half. This is going back some 7 odd years ago.

I do believe I have a '4 in 1' VCR remote, but where - i don't know. So that needs to be found. Even if it IS found - i need the small booklet with all the 'programmable' codes to make the 4-in-1 remote work with this VCR.

I've linked the VCR to my Technosonic 15 inch LCD monitor, which has TV,SCART,AV and PC mode. Turning on the VCR brings up the menu, and i need to use a remote here, so im kind astuck heh.

is there a work-around for this ? or should i just find the 4-in-1 and/or buy a new remote ?