what are your thoughts on PDA ( public display of affection)?

It's okay if you don't know anyone you're with, you're in a club or it's just holding hands and stuff but when a couple is all over each other infront of their friends it's so annoying because it's like why are they even bothering hanging out with their friend if all they wanna do is make out with their partner! And a PDA in front of family is just plain weird
Whatever. As long as you aren't removing articles of clothing and/or groping anything even remotely private, I couldn't care less. A peck on the cheek or a quick kiss is as far as I'll go in public.
I love doing it, it's a way too show off in front of all those desperate b!tches and geeks

On the real though, I really do love it. My girlfriend doens't care for it though, so it sucks for me >.>