What are your thoughts on Christopher Hitchens's words on religion?


New member
Nov 18, 2010
"Once you assume a Creator and a plan, makes us objects in a cruel experiment whereby we are created sick and commanded to be well. And over us to supervise this, is installed the Celestial Dictatorship. A kind of Divine North Korea. Exigent, greedy for uncritical praise from dawn till dusk and swift to punish the Original Sin with which He so tenderly gifted us in the very first place. However, let's no one say there's no cure. Salvation is offered. Redemption indeed, is promised at the low price of the surrender of your critical faculties."
Hitchens uses far too many words to tell his readers that 'christianity' is a foul and harmful delusion.
It's a great quote. too bad Christians won't make it past the first sentence.
To us who are being saved, it is a gift of God for eternity. You can look at it in many ways but if it is true, it is a foolish thing to say.
you can see the scriptures through the eye of the Holy Spirit or from the influence of demons. Coming to Christ is the fullest ascent of your critical faculties. Following Christ is a choice. Rejecting him is a choice. Blessing and mercy love and forgiveness and acceptance for following him or rejection and punishment for not. when you buy a car the car does not have a voice in where it should go...
Life is a great gift, who am i where did i come from where am i going? these are great questions. The accusations are wrong in that life is a gift and freedom to choose is a blessing; responsibility for actions and consequences that are just are not oppressive. Our whole society is based on these concepts that is why we have prisons and courts and give awards and grades. Eternal principals are seen in the temporal ones.