What are your predictions on the future of youtube?

I personally think that Youtube will hold its current status for quite some time. As you may or may no know, Youtube has since become a division of Google, and as we ALL know Google is a very large and powerful corporation. It it also very influential.

As for the amount of users, video uploads, and popularity, I think that it will have enough of that to last a lifetime. Youutube has well over one million users, and even MORE visitors. A lot of companies too rely on Youtube for advertising, so I guess you could say that its popularity is good enough for multi-billion dollar corporations to use in for advertising. As opposed to viewers however, there have got to be millions up millions more of videos on there, that number growing rapidly every day and night.

I think that Youtube has become one of those famous websites, you know like Facebook or Twitter, one that will most likely be around for ages to come. Youtube actually has more users than FaceBook :) and I think that if this number continues to grow the way it is, which it will, then we won't be saying Goodbye to Youtube for a VERY long time.
it will remain free and open to anyone and they will keep doing updates to make it more convineant for you as a user.
well pretty soon everyone will be able to have monetization i know i do and i don't have even 100 thousand total upload views yet also you will be able to pay for permanent downloads of videos you be able to repeat videos and there will most likely be Premium members able to post videos live

all of this should happen maybe around 2013