What are your predictions for THE BACHELORETTE?


Jun 1, 2008
I love The Bachelorette this season because Jillian is from Vancouver, where I'm from, and she seems like the sweetest person. I want her to find love!

Who are your predictions for the final 4? Final 1? The next Bachelor?

I'd say ED wins, and JAKE is the runner up and the next Bachelor. I think that WES (unfortunately) and KYPTON will make it to the final 4 as well.
And WHY do you they they will win?

I think Ed because they have the chemistry and they seem to show him a lot, but not too much, which is an indication of the winner.

Jake is pretty much the perfect man but maybe too good to be true. Not sure if there's a connection with Jillian but he will definitely be the next bachelor - he's attractive, sweet, and a PILOT goddamnit!!!
I love The Bacherlorette too cause im from Canada too, but not Vancouver... Jillian does seem really nice but her choices can be weird... i mean while is Tanner P still here?

Final Four: 1/2. Ed/Jake
3. Reid
4. Wes

I actually asked a question and someone said they heard a rumor about ed and jake being the last 2! i want jake to win but honestly, i want to see more of him so id rather him be the next bachelor!

You can kinda see who jillian likes more than others, like the preview for next weeks episode... she rejects dav for a kiss on the lips so obviously theres something wrong

i completely agree with Jake being the perfect guy. did you see how he looked at her when she walked in for the rose ceremony? cutest moment ever! I know, the pilot part is makes him 150% perfect. I dont understand why hes on the show tho, i cant see why a million girls wont go after him! I really want him to be the next bachelor! Im crossing my fingers every week hoping he doesnt get eliminated!