What are you doing right now?

playing online games and wondering how much my abs will hurt after i go to sleep and subsequently wake up.
considering an early night so I can realistically go for a long run first thing before breakfast tomorrow and before I put it off ad infinitum, just looking at routes
feeling weak but happy after lifting and realizing my extreme weakness on the overhead press was largely due to hesitation.
Grrrr, still up! I tend to hit my limit on 40kg when I have to use lower body turning it into a push press
Currently feeling guilty after downing three Mushroom Swiss burgers from Dairy Queen. Total of 1500+ calories. It tasted so good though....
wondering how i can make sunday bearable after i finish writing this email and talking to a friend. my brain makes weekends poopy.
You need to get yourself a scifi obsession like me. I can happily lose myself in a dvd rewatch for hours on end and I find it's one of the best ways to stop my brain working on stuff that stresses me (hitting the gym is another way).
used to have one. i've sort of burned out most of the stuff i enjoy due to sheer lack of productivity, which i'm not exactly proud of either. i've been learning to manage it lately, but i still don't find weekends a very pleasant time. it'll wear off when i go to the gym tomorrow or if i get involved in any lengthy chats with anyone who happens to be online and also bored.
At the risk of revealing more of my intensely geeky personal hobbies, have you ever tried model making? I haven't done any for a while, but like reading and watching scifi, I found building and painting models (usually scifi related, of course) another way to lose myself in something for hours on end.
it's an interesting hobby, yes. my dad is quite an avid modeller, actually, but i've never seriously dabbled in it myself. i actually bought a tyranid lictor from games workshop, but it's still unassembled and unpainted. might get to it once the rest of our stuff arrives. now that I think about it, i could always try getting good and taking commisions, assuming it's legally viable (need to check that consular relations convention thing again). at least it'd be a productive activity.
Enjoying my little girl's birthday, first phone, trampoline and cake, while trying to avoid the urge to kick the granny out of my boys for breaking a large double glazed window.