What are the probable apostasies before the coming of christ?


Jul 13, 2008
If many have read the earlier question, What is the appointed time in Daniel’s vision?” by Winston Kayanan (the author of the World’s 3rd Interpretation of Daniel’s 4-Beast Vision), he gave his own version of the “Coming of the Son of Man” as the appointed time (Chapter 12) that is related to the environment on global warming as the subject matter (Chapter 7) in Daniel’s vision.

In 2nd Thessalonians 2, Paul warns us in the coming of Christ, saying, “Do not let yourselves be deceived in any way.”

When we try to find evidence or reason for believing something, we cannot avoid believing and that is because of faith within us. But we tend to be skeptical some times to tell if what the author is saying is true. Then what can make one believe with certainty or vice-versa if our intelligence & experience do not respond logically & morally? These are your choices, to wit:

1.Scientific: The author was redirecting the world to shift to O2 replenishment via photosynthesis thru soil rehabilitation as macro environmental solution on global warming (following our natural sciences) versus UNEP’s objective of carbon emission reduction which is considered to be politically-motivated & anti-economic based on false science.
2.Theological: The author had given his Philippine version of Daniel’s 4-beast vision (related to environment) perceived as the real & true meaning versus the conflicting & opposing versions of the Catholic Church (wars before Christ in the Middle East) & USA 1999 (wars after Christ in Europe).

Assessing the above, the author stays on line with ordinary life experiences, following evolution as his logic while the world’s faith is ridiculed by paradoxes which have unknowingly been inanimate beliefs.

St. Paul added that apostasy must come first when the man of sin will appear, that instrument of evil who opposes & defiles whatever is considered divine & holy, even to the point of sitting in the temple of God and claiming to be God. If we relate it in this period, would you agree to the following as signs of apostasies?

a)The author had accused IPCC of half-baked & incomplete studies in 2007 when it first released its study in public, claiming “Rice lands are sources of methane.” Such anti-life statement rendered its studies scientifically wrong (i.e., false science) according to the author. In 2009, the world discovered wrong projections of IPCC and thereafter (in 2010) the latter publicly admitted more faults in studies than the discovered projections only and hence, the author was already right two years ago.
b)The abuse scandal in the Catholic Church came public in 2010 right after the author had accused the Pope Benedict XVI of losing faith in 2009 (based on his public announcement of plans to study & look for aliens in the outer space).

Based on the foregoing, we have to acknowledge the fact that all are true and hence, no deceit can ever be drawn in the author’s allegations.

The man of sin is said to be one who restrains, performing signs at the service of deception. Who could this be? There are 2 persons in the world who talks own views. One is the author of Daniel’s 4-beast vision who speaks of pro-laws on nature and hence, he is for God while the other is the author of the Inconvenient Truth, doubting everything as he extremely promotes carbon emission reduction (i.e., already considered oppressive) and hence, he is against God primarily for pushing an anti-life proposition. By restraining, he prevents & denies the most basic existence & real experience of life that evolved thru the years via God-given natural sciences while negatively teaching the world to accept & adapt to global warming as its present state or condition (such as by using excessive CO2 as free energy & others).

Undoubtedly, these are man’s top signs of global confusion & crisis which have already been widely & publicly assailed (tantamount to Paul’s apostasies before the coming of Christ) when the world professes an entire ignorance of nature’s laws, unbelievably spearheaded by the United Nations with its anti-life carbon emission reduction, and the church with its own priests (who have destroyed the lives of people) has been defiant & repugnant to God’s sacred laws, beginning with the loss of faith in the Vatican (i.e., study & look for aliens in the outer space).