What are the funniest answers you ever got on a question in r&s? ?

When someone asked if they should ask for a breast or a thigh when taking Catholic communion.
Q:Did god create everything?

A: look here god created all angels, you the air, the sky, the ground, all people, every buliding, color, light, EVERYTHING. so if you dont believe in any of that, join satin because with every cration theirs a creator and when god made angels he knew satin would be that because he had to put people like you somewhere. and yes many atheist say that christans are crazy and i beileve some are because their are many different types of christians and you can go and think what you want but believe in god because i am responsible for you not becoming a christian so if you want to call god a myth say it to his face when your in hell i bet you wont causde then youll see all of us prasing him