What are the discount prices on Verizon phones for existing customers when the 2...


New member
Apr 30, 2012
...years is up? Ive heard Verizon did away with the "New Every 2" years deal (where you get a new phone every 2 years)...but that they give "discounts" on the phone instead when your 2 years is up. Does anyone know what these "discounted prices" look like? Ive only had my phone for a little over a year and its not doing great, so Im wondering if its worth it to just buy a phone on Ebay, or if the discounts are good enough to try and wait. Does anyone know?
Angry Sailor- Ive bought from Ebay before and havent had a problem so far, especially if I buy a new phone. I figured going to the Verizon store would give me some answers, but I also order my Verizon phones from online because the discounts are usually better. Not to mention, its not easy to sit and talk with a verizon store customer with kids who are anxious to leave :)
Check with your local Verizon dealer, and they can tell you. Pricing and availability of some models can and occasionally does vary by region, so checking with them is the way to go.

Checking out phones on eBay and/or Craigslist is a bad idea, solely for the fact that the majority of the phones there are damaged and or stolen.