What are the different branches of judaism?


New member
May 19, 2013
I would like to know because I'm considering becoming Jewish ( however, I need to know more about the different types of Judaism before I do that lol). I'd really appreciate all of your help. And also, what are some good ways for me to narrow down which branch would be right for me? Thanks for your help!
The three main branches are Reform, Conservative and Orthodox. Orthodox is the most strict, while reform is the least strict, and the most liberal branch of the three. Conservative claims to be somewhere in between Orthodox and Reform, but from what I've seen growing up, I don't think there are any huge differences between Conservative and Reform, but this is just my opinion.

To narrow it down, you need to know exactly how observant you'd like to be; because the differences between Reform and Orthodox are practically night and day. Could you see yourself keeping the sabbath every week, and eat ONLY kosher food for the rest of your life? If yes, then Orthodox may be the right fit for you. There are MANY laws Orthodox Jews must keep, it really is a big, lifelong commitment. Or if you'd like to still be observant, just not to the level of orthodox, then Reform or Conservative may be a better fit for you. Oh, and one more thing: Reform conversions are not recognized by the state of Israel.

There is much more detailed information that goes with this answer, so perhaps you should read this before making your decision: http://judaism.about.com/od/denominationsofjudaism/p/branches.htm

Good luck with all of your future endeavors.