What are Steeler fans getting Roger Goodell and NFL refs for X-mas?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
It's amazing the Steelers are 10 and 4. It seemed like Jets DB's could do whatever they wanted to yesterday. Oh how about-- Please disregard the flag. Nice!! I'm sending doggie doo in their stockings.
Okay I understand that your fanbase is known for being very unintelligent and full of bandwagoners but every team in the nfl gets screwed not just you guys. Harrison is the only player in the league that doesn't know how to adapt to the new rules. Stop whining! And do you not remember the dolphins game were the refs single handedly won you the game or how the refs won you a superbowl against the seahawks...oh wait that's prolly when you became a fan, sorry frontrunners but your team is just not good enough.

Ps does anyone else find it ironic that everywhere you go there are steelers fans everywhere but at the same time I have never met a pirates fan before...hmmmmm. stop being frontrunners!!
A thank you note for letting Big Ben come back with only a 4 game suspension because now he seems like he is out to get the Steelers
i would get a big box. a piece of paper and one of those really loud horns in a can, haha seriously, and i would wrap it up. and roger and the refs would open it up and the horn would go off for 27 mins, and the note would say %^%$ you u bastards. :))))
Should we be getting you a skirt?

After all you're whining like a little girl. Oh no the refs aren't trying to give you a hand wrapped SB so obviously they must be against you.
Are you seriously going there when the Steelers got a first down on a 9 yard gain when it was 1st and 10? They handicapped the Jets a yard in the redzone so it hardly benefitted one team. The refs sucked as usual but it was nothing one-sided. I think the Steelers are exactly what they are - they look like a 10 - 4 team to me. Nothing more nothing less.
I heard he is getting them some tissue so they can stop crying about everything.

@ Chris P did you seriously just quote the Breakfast Club? Ha