What are some things that you and your friends argue about?

My friend and I have had a ongoing side argument about whether or not the Angry Bird that splits into 3 is green or blue. IT'S DEFINITELY BLUE!!!
Republicans and democrates the diffrences in their pollicies. I am 16 btw.
she is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to bubbly and smiley and im just a reg girl, but i am rough at times, so we literally fight about everything just think
she is fat and wants to be a model 1st arguement

why she puts on hot red lipstick( i mean awere 13 for god's sake
who is hotter ( i know im hotter, its just my nose, its flat (im korean)
she thinks cats are better, i think dogs
how come she is obseesed with candy, but complains she is fat
how come my hair is gold choco brown
how come she has a mole directly in the middle of her forehead( bindy)
im selena gomez she tailor swift

so yeah pretty much everything