what are some sites to get Mercedes benz technical help for free?


Active member
May 12, 2008
something like forums where I can post questions and ge tanswers from experts. I want to fix this issue if anybody can help, i want to know where is the pyrofuse located in MB c300 2009 w204.
If you cannot afford to have proper repairs on this Mercedes-Benz automobile may I suggest you sell this car? Experts do not work for free. I assume that you have the same philosophy? Since I follow cars I shall offer this advice to you: I do not know where on the planet you reside. But all vehicles usually have an owner's manual with a published fuse chart. If what you are looking for is not listed then a mechanic, who will charge for his or her services, must be consulted for proper repairs. Since you write using teen texting slang short hand then I must conclude that are not a trained technician and that even knowing the location of the part you are asking about would be of no help since you would not be able to repair or replace it. OK? Sorry but cars are expensive to own,maintain and repair properly. Far too many attempt to play mechanic only to make matters worse and more expensive to repair. Your car, your choice. Best wishes.