What are some reasons people would goto mercury for a vacation?


May 17, 2008
In my science class, I have to come up with a series of an interplanetary ad campaign, about why a tourist would want to go to certain planets. I got stuck with mercury, and the only things I can come up with are its craters and its 'exteremdies,' (like the dark side of mercury goes down to -180 degrees celcius).

I need reasons on why ppl would go there for a vacation.
Perhaps for observatories to study the Sun.

A series of stories that I read described a transhumanic future where minds could be loaded into computers, down loaded and loaded into other bodies. They built a massive computer and data storage facility on Mercury using the solar power to drive the computers and people would purposely commit suicide to transmit their brain to Mercury and live in a simulated heaven. Their bodies would then be inhabited by those minds who wished a flesh and bone existence for a while. So perhaps the vast amounts of solar energy could be used for something to attract people.
Well, I'd want to go because it's the closest planet to the sun and, well, you don't get much closer than that without actually touching it. Like you said, it's not all hot, there are cool sections so I guess you could live somewhere in between. The creators are pretty cool.