What are some reasons people leave their cats outdoors?


May 13, 2008
Today I saw a very pretty cat dead in the middle of a busy street. It obviously had been someone's pet.

Why would anyone obtain a pet and then submit them to that risk?

I know some reasons people do this, but I just want to get some input.

If you are an outdoor cat owner yourself, I challenge you to justify yourself.
...I'm "criticizing" people because they are putting their pets at huge risk. The average lifespan for an outdoor cat is significantly shorter than that of an indoor cat.
I rescue strays and I can tell you that the majority of cats who beg to go outside eventually get over it with patience. There are a rare few who never really adjust to indoor life.
You can still love and care for your cat even if they are outdoors. Not all people can have an indoor cat. Even if you saw a dead cat on the road, maybe that cat was an indoor cat who snook out of the house and got hit. It is possible. Yes, the lifespan may be shorter, but the cat will most likely live a better life. A cat should have the chance to go outside, smell fresh air, enjoy nature, and pounce on everything. Cats LOVE being outside. When you see an indoor cat sitting in the window sill, it obviously wants to be outside. It is the same for a dog. You shouldn't leave a dog in the house for its whole life. It needs to be outside, to get fresh air, play. What you are saying here, is 100% YOUR opinion. Yes they get over it because no one will let them outside. But i bet if you left the door open, they would run out the door because they want to see what is really out there.
Honestly? I find it very irresponsible to have outdoor cats.

"A cat should have the chance to go outside, smell fresh air, enjoy nature, and pounce on everything. Cats LOVE being outside. "

It's called a harness, and a leash. Use them. Then the cat can go out, and be safe!

"It is the same for a dog. You shouldn't leave a dog in the house for its whole life. It needs to be outside, to get fresh air, play"

And how do people bring their dogs out? On a LEASH. Like a RESPONSIBLE person.

Cats, are also VERY different than dogs. Dogs are animals that live in family structures and require more socialization (I am in no way saying cats do not need socialization, simply less), and less exercise. No cat needs as much exercise as a working breed dog or terrier.
Elenore Mari,

"I know from experience that my cats gets 'cabin fever' and goes crazy if he is not allowed outside. I don't think it is fair to a cat who likes the outdoors to coop them inside,"

So bring them out RESPONSIBLY on a leash and harness. Letting it out on its own it outright dangerous to the cat who doesn't know any better. Do you let a two year old outside on their own because they want to go out? No. You bring them out.
"Edit: A harness and leash does not solve that problem. Really, how many cats (other than your own) would really allow it's owner to put a leash on it and drag it around?"

I have never met some one who tried, and failed at teaching their cat to walk on a harness. Does it take time? Yes. Average is about two weeks. Is it impossible? No. Not by a long shot. Right this very moment I know over a dozen cats who walk on leashes. Friends who saw mine, thought it was a good idea, tried it, and succeeded. I've heard stories from my friends, about their other friends who have tried. It DOES solve the problem. If you lack the patience to work with your cat, and teach it? That is YOUR fault. Don't cry when it doesn't come home. Don't cry when you see it flattened on a street, or find its partially eaten corpse.. because YOU killed it if you let it out on your own. You should EXPECT its early death.

Lack the patience to train an animal? Don't own the animal.
Every animal has the right to display its natural behavior, a cat cannot fully display its natural behavior indoors, if you do not let your animal display its natural behavior to as much as possible, i would consider that animal cruelty, and i believe you should not be allowed to keep a cat. its a huge risk for you to go outside, but you still go, the risk of a cat getting hit by a car is just the same as a person. You would go crazy if you were kept indoors your whole life. Also indoor cats are more likely to be lazy, they get little exercise, meaning they will soon become obese, this endangers the cat of many health problems, it could result in death. Cats need to go outside, explore the world and go on their own adventures to become independent.
When you see a cat playing outside you know their having the time of their lives, they LOVE going outside, meeting new cats and people, chasing bugs, climbing trees, its how their supposed to live.

Its cruel to leave you cat out all night tho! Your cat should have a regular time that it comes in and know that its not allowed back out until the next day. They need a warm safe place to sleep and relax but also need that time during the day outside to play and explore the world.
they just dont care. they think they can treat animals like their trash
what they dont realize is that they(animals)are living organisms.
some people let their cat outdoors for the well-being of cats,some cats are trained and fought how to survive outside
So they can be free to roam around, smell fresh air, and hunt. I honestly don't know why you are criticizing people for giving their cats elbow room.
I had a childhood indoor/outdoor neutered cat named Smokey who was allowed outside during daylight hours and was called inside at sunset. He lived to be 18 years old until one night despite my sister's protest was allowed out at nightfall and thats when he was struck by a car and all because my evil step-mom let him out, I lived out of province at that time.

My sister had a cat as well and it lasted about a year before being fatally struck down by a car, orphaning her 3 week old kittens, her cat, Pepper was about a year old at the time of her death.

I now own two strictly indoor cats that are only allowed out on a harness/leash supervised and they don't get dragged around as another poster assumed. Tinkerbell and Diablo also love coming along on car-rides, they will sit at my front door which is their way of asking if they can come along. Tinkerbell without a leash will enter and exit my vehicle on command walking right up to our front door.

Times have changed, more people are more knowledgable to the various life-threatening risks everytime a cat is allowed to roam freely around the neighborhood. The cats my sister and I owned were back in the 80's and I wished I could've taken my cat with me as I wanted to have him reside with me, unfortunately circumstance prevented me from doing so at the time, he would've been kept indoors.
i really dont know. I was thinking the same thing when i seen a tiny kitten in the road. Growing up my parents wouldnt let us bring cats inside because they smell, get fur on everything, jump on everything, i had asthma and my sister was really sick, they pee everywheres. My dad calls them good for nothing. Some people belive keeping them locked in is cruel. I now have 5 indoor and wouldnt trade them for the world.
Honestly, I think the sad thing here is that everyone who says that people who let their cats outside are 'cat haters' and 'treat them like trash'. I love my cat dearly, but he is simply an outdoor cat. Now, don't get me wrong. I think some people aren't understanding what some people mean by an outdoor cat. My cat spends as much time, if not more, inside the house than he does outside. I know from experience that my cats gets 'cabin fever' and goes crazy if he is not allowed outside. I don't think it is fair to a cat who likes the outdoors to coop them inside, and it irritates me how people are criticizing others who have their cats best interest at heart. That being said, there are some cats who prefer to be inside. Honestly, as long as the owner is keeping good care of their pet and not abusing them, you should keep your opinions to yourself.

Edit: A harness and leash does not solve that problem. Really, how many cats (other than your own) would really allow it's owner to put a leash on it and drag it around?
i had an outside cat once;
his name was Boo and he was originally an outside stray.
He only came to me. I tried relentlessly for 2 years to keep him inside with me.
every night he would meow loudly, scratch at the front door until i let him out!
I didn't want him unhappy, so everyday he spent it with me in my house and at night he went outside.
and i cared for him dearly, until you have a stray cat who prefers to be out, then you can't possibly know how it is.
because cats are natural hunters and crave the outside
i have to keep mine inside because they're a risk to the neighbors dogs
I really do not agree.My cat,I found her like as early as i could remember her name is Sprinkes.

She gets to roam hunt,and be herself she is the nicest cat ever and thats what matters.

And another one is for people if you live close to somewhere busy.....well thats your fault!!!
Cats r not the same as humans some cats enjoy the outdoors and cry when they are inside the house. Cats are not babys they do not need u to entertain them. Cats are made to be outside they have sharp claws and teeth for a reason i think its sad for a cat to live indoors all its life. I realise that a it is probably not a good idea to have a cat if u live next to a busy street but what im trying to say is cats are meant to BE outside. They are different from humans. People leave their cats outside because the cat likes being outside. Most cats love the outdoors the ones that dont usually have been brought up indoors.