What Are Some Names For A Female Snowmobile Racer?


May 17, 2008
I'm writing a story. She's 17 and has brown hair and dark blue eyes. She's a snowmobile racer and usually ranks 4/10 in races. I was thinking of these names;

Lita Jane Smallston
Danikka Rae Smallston
Daria Karina Smallston
Alexa Renee Smallston
Arienne Jessica Smallston

Suggestions are welcome!
Im sorry, I dont have much input to give you for this question but, I was flipping through and I saw the name Danikka Rae in your list and I absolutely had to comment. Please, if you choose to use this name, do not spell it that way. My baby niece is named Danika, and I cant stand to see such a gorgeous name spelled that way. The two k`s looks so tacky.
My favourite name from your list is Lita Jane.

Im sorry for the critique but, I just couldnt not comment on that.