what are some healthy foods to cook/make/eat ?


Mar 22, 2008
well I'm going shopping tomorrow and I need some healthy things on my list :) plus I'm trying to get a 6 pack any food to help that? ... I know I got to exercise but I'ma do it lol
You should get fruit. Not a fruit smoothie or flavored ice cream, just regular, fresh fruit. If you have diabetes, don't get that. Fruit is full of sugar and diabetics can't eat it although it is very good for non-diabetics. Get some grains, meaning bread, pasta, rice.etc. You have to be careful of what type though. Don't get white bread, get wheat bread. You might not taste it, but white bread is full of sugar. Get brown pasta instead of regular pasta and get brown rice not fried or white. Get some meat and fish. Make sure the fish you get isn't fried. The healthy cooked types of fish are broiled, grilled and baked. Any type of fresh fish is good for broiling, grilling or baking. For meat, make sure it doesn't have a lot of fat and cholesterol. Get grilled chicken, not fried. Don't get burgers, ribs, hot dogs or wings. Make sure you get beef, pork, lamb, or steak. Those are healthy too. For vegetables, fix yourself a salad at the salad bar or maybe some grilled carrots, spinach, peas, broccoli, beans. The beans should be baked, not refried. Refried beans are a lot like mashed potatoes, which aren't very healthy for you. For a dessert I suggest you eat some of the fruit I told you to get or fat-free, low-fat, sugar-free ice cream or maybe some entenmann's cookies and donuts. They're small, and healthier than regular dessert. Also for a drink get some water, milk, diet soda or 100% fruit juices. No regular soda because that's EXTREMELY unhealthy.