What are some good statistics that argue for same-sex marriage?


New member
Nov 18, 2010
I'm writing an essay for a college class, and I need some statistics and definite data.

Can you help me?
There aren't any really it's just a fight between morals Good/Evil
like we ask human beings know what's good and what's evil.
I guess the only thing there is would be civil rights. But, that's a religious thing so doesn't matter to me. Not, christian so, me personally don't really care. as a gay guy i might but...
That's kind of a broad question.

Other than the divorce rate among heterosexuals is about 50%, that's the only definitive thing I know.

Unfortunately because of the incendiary nature of LGBT issues, you probably aren't going to find a lot. Mostly that's because many people out of fear will not self-identify or self-report being LGBT. And because gay marriage isn't sanctioned by the government, census numbers will be non-existent because the pollsters do not seek to gather that information.

You may be able to get some info at the Lambda Legal and Human Rights Campaign websites but do your due diligence and be sure you double check their facts as best you can. Just because they're pro-gay does not mean they're above bending the truth just like anti-gays.