What are some good games to play while talking on the phone?

You could play "This or That"
Like "Stawberries or bananas?"
"Cartoons or Reality tv shows?"
"Cocoa Puffs or Cocoa Krispies?"
"Boxers or briefs?"
You two could make up a story by each adding on a piece...
G:"A long time ago, there was a little...pass"
B:"Frog who lived in a place called...pass"
G:"Mannyland. And he had a big fettish for...pass"
B:"Socks. Until one day someone stole all his socks and..."
and it goes on until u have some crazy random story
2 truths and 1 lie...
make 3 comments about anything and the other person has to guess which ones are true and which is the lie. its fun.... and it can get hard! lol:D
play the penis game (or any word you want really). all you do is start by oh say....naming off movies and adding penis to the end of it. like "How to train your penis" (originally dragon for those who dunno) its pretty funny hehe. only for those with a sense of humor and sick minds!
Play who would win in a fight. Each person takes turns naming two things for a 'fight' and the other person has to pick a winner and explain why. ex. 'Who Would win in a fight, batman or chuck norris'
My boyfriend and I play the alphabet game. You pick a topic, animals for example, and you say an animal that starts with an a, and then your partner says a different animal that starts with an a. Then, they go first with b then you go. It's harder than you would think, unless you're like a biologist or some animal expert or something. =]
You dumb ass how does one go and play truth or dare over the phone. Fucking idiot...

One of you guys think of something , then the other person ask questions until you say what they're thinking about .
Person thinks about a place like Starbucks
Other person asks " Is it a place ? Do they serve food ? Have I Been there ? "
THIS BLOG WAS USELESSS, well actually while i was on the phone to my boyfriend we laughed about what yoou gys said, thanks for passing the time
wait no, i like the comment right beore my uselsess statemeant. I loved that game when i was 7 :D
4 truths 1 lie

Well right now I'm playing four truths and a lie. Basically you say four facts about yourself and a lie. The other person tries to figure out which ones a lie. For example:

1.I like peanuts (truth)
2. I've kissed a frog(truth)
3. I want to be an actress(truth)
4. I use to think the moon was cheese(truth)
5. I hate snow. (lie)

Then they would guess which statement was untrue. It's a great way to get to know more about them in q different way than in truth and dare,which is nice. You can only play so much truth and dare with one person before things get repetitive :p
If your Bf isn't a person who gets annoyed too quick.. try playing copycat.. its really fun in the begining and i also recommend would you rather... An example for copycat.. You could be like.. hey you wanna play copy cat? he might say what's that? you just say whats that? ...lol.. i find it funny.. but i don't recommend you to do it too much.. Have Fun! :big laugh: