What are some good animes to watch for a semi-newbie?


New member
Sep 13, 2009
Well, I've seen a couple of animes over a year and a half or so. I've recently decided that it'd be nice to have another hobby, and it seems like that would be a good thing to look into.

I've seen: Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, Elfen Lied, Denno Coil, and the Higurashi series. I'm watching FMA Brotherhood rather than the original because I don't want to watch both and it'll seem more "authentic" to watch Brotherhood because it follows the manga.

I don't want to be suggested anything extremely slow paced or along the lines of Serial Experiments Lain, which I dropped because I favor an actual interesting plot over a moody and symbolic tone. Also, I despised the first season of Code Geass. Lelouch was too much of a bastard to handle, and it was like the makers of the anime watched Death Note, switched it around to appeal more to 14 year old boys with adding mecha and war and appeal to 14 year old girls by having it set in a private school and adding fluffy moments, then shat out the abomination that is Code Geass. Ugh.

As per genre, I honestly have no preference aside from the fact that I don't particularly enjoy excessive ecchi or extremely cute and light stuff.
Oh yeah, and I've also seen Naruto and up to episode 35 of Shippuden. I'll be watching more eventually, though. xD Don't know why I forgot.
Hajime no Ippo - awesome [contains recap epi's, but still well worth the watch]

Trigun - also awesome, and relatively short.

Wolf's Rain - some people don't like this because they say the plot and ending are hard to follow [and those people are just called slow-witted]

S-Cry-Ed - one of the first anime I ever watched. Very much enjoyable for newbies :)
Well I am a semi-newbie too... I've watched

Death Note
InuYasha (there making more releasing next month I believe)
Ranma 1/2
Ouran High School Host Club
Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles
Full Moon O Sagshite
maybe Love Hina.. haven't really seen that one but I want too!

TWTYH (the way to your heart)
Ultra Maniac!
The anime's above too... lolz

Hope I helped a little XP
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Might be slow at first and the protaganist is annoying at first... but it's really worth it! It gets really badass... and the main character gets uber statused :D


^ is a genuine roflcopter. but also, like many other animes, the start is a bit slow.. about 5 eps in it starts to move on :D Also, its episodic, with arcs in between, so no FILLERS! (stabs fillers) Its mainly comedy, but has action.

hope this helped.