What are some cool nail trends?


May 13, 2008
I am really into nail art, but I ran out of things to do. I like flocking powder and water marble, what are some other things like that that I can try on my nails?
You can get stripers and draw on your nails, ummm, you could buy little pearls off ebay, and you stick them on your nails and its really cool: http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Wheel-Case-Nail-Art-Decoration-Pearl-10-White-Case-/370680591995?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item564e48f67b http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRitR56CjLI

you can make flames on your nails
water marble with glitter
zebra print nail art,
to get a lot of nail art designs go on youtube, and cute polish - she has really pretty designs
I really like using tape for my nails. You can use it to make stripes, or shapes and it's really cheap. Also you can paint your nail designs onto a piece of tape or paint the tape and cut it into cool little pieces stick it on your nail and go over it with a top coat, it's super easy and really nice for geometeric designs, it's probably one of my favorite!
Ok, theres this new device, (get it at target, wallmart, stores like) that is gummy nails (not paint) that you kind of just...put on your nails, and put them under a drier. I think this is very cool, but not the best explanation. LoL

Have you tried crackle? I love it.

if you take a tooth-pick you can draw a heart on your thumb in the corner. I've seen alot of people with this lately.

Ive also seen nureal stripes. (tan, beige, gray, white, etc)

Hope i helped:)