What are some competitive sports?


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I'm verrrry competitive, so is my dads girlfriends son. The thing is right, he is reallyy sporty and lets just say, I'm better with numbers. He can swim quicker (just), we are the same short distance running (well i beat him while he was wearing heavy boots- his excuse.) and he is and amazing ice skater/ rollarblader. I want to beat him. We go somewhere every other sunday, with two 9-year olds and a 5year old (we are both 13) my dad and his mum.
What can we do that's like ice skating/swimming/bowling/horse riding/rock climbing... not every-day, that i might be able to beat him at?

sorry its so long, and that you don't know what sportinessss i can do, so just a list of 'different' sports that are in an actual place thats friendly enough for a 5 year old.
thankyou :) xx
Oh yeah erm... I can't realy throw/catch very well... x
Soccer is really fun and pretty easy to pick up on. I would very highly recommend it, unless you can't take checks, kicks, etc.
Soccer is really fun and pretty easy to pick up on. I would very highly recommend it, unless you can't take checks, kicks, etc.
do cheer!!! take a tumbling class and learn back handsprings and flips and join a competitive cheer team! once they see you doin roundoff-back handsprings-back tucks they have no chance at being better at you:) take my advice and do cheer:)