What Are Small Talks Addictions?

This one time I covered a paper in those and made a sweet smile face.

My addiction: Cigarettes, coffee, girls, music, and partying.

Oh and btw, rehab isnt for quitters.
Yes, indeed it was. As a matter of fact my buddies and I were reflecting upon the days. They were the days surrounding and including new years last year.
thats funny me and one of my friends were just talking about last years new years... definitely gunna roll face again this year woo im pumped cant wait :tup:
kinda weird cause at work we were all sayin what we were going to do for new years... pretty much we all agreed on getting shit face at work then go out and get more shit face... i have a habit of throwing my keys whenever i get drunk.. kinda not good
I have a habit of picking up chicks when I am super drunk. I have no idea how I do it, when sober I fail miserably.
This was my initial thinking, but last night that was proven to be wrong. It worked on a sober girl. BOW CHICKA WOW WOW
I think i going to record some girl on girl action. :nododgy:

One girl has to ask her girl if shes down.

Its mah birfday, bitches better give me that present.
coke. i'm hooked on that shit. i'm clean atm and manage to string along a bit of sobriety here and there but i always end up with my nose covered in white.:(
dont get me wrong i like coke but i just think its so overrated, id so much rather sniff an oc and chill out all night