What accents turn you on?

Some american accents are nice, but not all. Not those 'hickies' that they call them, their accents are horrid.
Don't think any accents actually turn me on but many turn me off.

I do like American (NY) and Spanish accent though.
Too many. The Iranian, Danish, French and Spanish (south american based though) are some. My favourite accent though is the Lebonese accent. Man those girls know how to make a man a quiver.
oooooft, irish every timee :)
and looove a northern accent lol .. but not manc haha
cant stand posh toffs tbh haha! im sure youre lovely people, accent just annoys me hehe :)
THe accent of people from Bristol (Bristolian ??) is the hottest in England...

Other than that it's Australian and Kiwi, South African and Portuguese :p