Well, me and this guy TOTALLY liked eachother but he doesnt like PDA and now im...


New member
Dec 3, 2011
...friend-zoned...what do i do? ? So me and this guy totally liked eachother and we texted like 1200 times. Then at school I put my arm around his waist and he didn't do anything...we weren't dating but we were more than friends...Then that day he told me he wasn't into holding hands and putting his arm around me and that he wasn't even looking for a serious relationship...so then I said okay...I guess were just better off friends...then he said yes! That's exactly how I feel! Blah blah blah...but that wasn't what I was hoping he would say...then he figured out I was sad and he said this is what he wanted but nit if im sad...and now were both stuck in the friend-zone...what should I do to make him want to get serious? (Im 13 going on 14 so nothing inapropro please) thanks!!!