well, i am just stumped


Apr 5, 2008
So, i posted my projector up on ebay. And a guy messages me telling me he'll pay me more than twice the retail valu of my projector. I thought this was a scam, but i went ahead and gave him my paypal address. I checked my emil, and lo-and behold. therer sat a receipt for a payment for $1850 USD from the ebay member who messaged me earlier. i deleted the message, but ii was almost sure this was a scammer out to get me. But i've been using paypal for awhile and he sent the payment. alright, i don't know how it works on ebay but, the email sent to me explained that when i send ship the projector and provide the shipping #, my account will be credtied with the correct amount.

here's the email

the reason im so hesitant is because the shipping address is located in the infamous country of nigeria, and he paid me well over twice the retail value of my projector.

too good to be true?

his username on ebay is nascarwilly66

he has 100% positive feedback...266 of them
1] NAscarwilly from Nigeria? :crash:
2a] Probably a stolen credit card
2b] ..dont spend the money if you go through with it because the transaction would most likely be reveresed and youll end up with -$1850
3] use UPS and purchase a shipping label online, provide the tracking number... and hold onto it for a minute(few days) until it clears.
spend like 20$ to send him a big box about the weight of the projector and then put a note like "insert something funny i can't think of right now cuz i just got up" at the top.
Login to your PayPal account and check the status.

The email is probably manufactured to look like a PayPal email.